Bliss Board & Bottle Menu

Bliss Artisan Charcuterie Boards & Crackers

  • Small two grazers $75
  • Large six grazers $110
  • Mini Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Boxes $22

Charcuterie Boxes are served per-person with a minimum of 6 orders.

The Snackle

Not your normal tackle box!

The Snackle- Cheese, Charcuterie & more!


Individual Sandwich Boxes

  • Turkey, Ham, or Chicken Salad
  • Assorted chips
  • Housemade Sweet
  • Side Salad of the Day

The box is per-person and has a minimum of 6 orders.

Bliss Bottles

Pinot Grigio $38
Rose $28
Bubbles $28

Ordering Details

An additional $10 fee will be billed for delivery to our boat. Please give a 48-hour notice. Thank you 🙂

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